Welcome to the 2025 Governor’s Summit: GROWING NEBRASKA

hosted by Governor Jim Pillen.

Our state’s incredible economy is driven by two main engines—agriculture and manufacturing. In Nebraska, we grow things and make things that are in demand worldwide. At this summer’s Summit, we’ll explore how to generate even more value by uniting our strengths in ag and manufacturing to lead the nation’s new bioeconomy.

It’s time to stop putting our corn and soybeans on barges and shipping them out of state. We should be packing value into every kernel and bean before they leave our borders. That way, Nebraskans can reap the full benefit of the premium crops we raise.

We have an extraordinary competitive advantage because of our location in the middle of the United States. We’re also blessed to be sitting on top of the largest, most sustainable underground aquifer in the Western Hemisphere. But our state’s main separator is our people. The grit and determination of Nebraskans sets us apart. We work hard, our quality products are second to none, and we make things better for the next generation.

We’re inviting Nebraska’s youth to join us for the Governor’s Summit in 2025. We want you, as employers, to come ready with internship and job opportunities. Our kids are our future, and they’re ready to embark on the great careers we’re creating. All they need to succeed is opportunity—and someone to show them the way.

I hope you’ll join me in Kearney for this year’s Summit. It’s a can’t-miss opportunity to network, learn, and connect with the next generation of Nebraska leaders.

Conference Information:


August 13-14, 2025

In Partnership with:

Nebraska Department of Economic Development logo, Good Life. Great Opportunity
The Nebraska State Seal linked to www.nebraska.gov
NE Department of Agriculture logo, Good Life. Great Roots.